EduPlanet PreMed Påmelding til PreMed kurs Her tar du det første steget for å melde deg på vårt PreMed-kurs. Fyll ut skjemaet så kommer vi tilbake til deg når vi har mottatt din påmelding. Påmeldingsskjema PreMed Fyll ut skjemaet under hvis du har bestemt deg for å delta på vårt PreMed-kurs. Vi på EduPlanet kommer så til å kontakte deg med mer informasjon om din påmelding samt betalingsinformasjon for kurset. Please fill in the form below for participating in our PreMed course. After submitting the form we will contact you for further information about the course and payment procedure. Course* PreMed Chemistry & Biology Live PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded, with teacher support PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded, without teacher support PreMed Chemistry Recorded, with teacher support PreMed Chemistry Recorded, without teacher support PreMed Biology Recorded, with teacher support PreMed Biology Recorded, without teacher support PreMed Chemistry First Contact Recorded, without teacher support PreMed Physics Recorded, without teacher support PreMed Maths Recorded, without teacher support Private lessons Course start* MM slash DD slash YYYY Contact detailsName*Address*City*Country where you live currently*Email* Mobile number*Born*How did you first find out about EduPlanet PreMed?*How did you first find out about EduPlanet PreMed?Internet/GoogleFriend or RelativeStudentumSchool/teacherFairEduPlanet AgencyOther AgentANSAOtherWhich medicine university are you planning to apply for?Bookingvilkår* Jeg aksepterer EduPlanets bookingvilkår Du kan se bookingvilkårene her.EmailDette feltet er for valideringsformål og skal stå uendret.